For You
You adore being titled as a high achiever.
One that would get the job done at any cost. It defines you, gives you your edge.
You may feel as though you’ve already done what you need to be on top of your game, after all, you’re self-aware and intelligent.
Are you feeling unfulfilled with your life as it is?
Are you holding back from taking the plunge and changing your direction?
Is there more you want to achieve with your life?
Do you daydream about how you would like your life to be?
Do you struggle to recall the things that give you happiness and joy?
Or are you,
Caught up in a stress cycle and a whirlwind of exhaustion?
Have too much on your plate and little time for your own self-care?
Starting to sense you are disconnecting from yourself and your people?
Confused why your body is starting to experience pains, you have not noticed before?
If this sounds familiar, one of my wellbeing solutions is for you…
Find the right solution for you.
Harmonizing Wellbeing and Balance
With a unique blend of three different methodologies: Confidence Coaching, Wellbeing Coaching and Spiritual Coaching, this gentle, but incredibly powerful, 5-step process is capable of completely transforming lives.
Equine-Assisted Coaching
A heart-centred approach to relationships and raising consciousness through developing beautiful, inter-species connections. Co-facilitating interactions with horses to enhance an awareness of self and sense of purpose.
Mental Health First Aider
Designed to equip individuals with the tools & knowledge to be first-line support. To provide information and resources to practically signpost when mental wellbeing becomes compromised.
Intense stress or burnout recovery involves making a journey back to self. To self-honour, self-love and self-trust.
It means calling ourselves inward to what we deeply need. Then gently and patiently taking baby steps back to a full life, a life embracing balance, a life of joy.
I will challenge you to find your best self, to see the bigger picture of what matters most
I guide you to better understand yourself, after all, YOU are the expert, and you know yourself better than anyone.
Wherever you’re at, I meet you there and hold the space for you to travel to find your truth; it’s a partnership, a collaboration.
I will guide you to develop strategies that utilise your skills, talent, abilities and resources that you already have at your disposal.
The reason why we do something may constantly be changing and being aware of the importance of what we are doing can get lost in translation.
Only when we understand ourselves can we then present our story to others and be heard in the right light.
Ready to start?
If you are up to having the best relationship with yourself and others, I will happily show you the way.