Harmonizing Wellbeing and Balance
The Harmonizing Alignment Program is designed to help reconnect and realign you with your Self, in balance; inwardly and outwardly.
The process links with getting back in touch with natural systems of nature and how you can locate yourselves within them.
It realises your true essence through re-energising and being pro-active about self-care and adjusting your needs by harmonising with your life systems to find contentment and fulfilment
The amazing Dawn Breslin and her Harmonizing alignment process, gently guided and gave me the tools to rediscover myself, post burnout. She helped me to recognise my true potential.
It was tough, believe me, unpicking decades of learnt behaviour to unveil the beauty of who I am.
I am so blessed to be recognised as one of her accredited coaches and my promise to you is that my lived experience will offer you all the care and support that you might need to reconnect with your happiness.
How Does It Work?
The programme consists of 10 - 12 sessions covering a 5 step process to reignite your life’s purpose.
I facilitate sessions in nature, in person, online and if willing, with the healing help of horses. Which ever feels most comfortable to you to give you the space that you need.
Each session we will move at a pace that feels right for you to rediscover your dreams, your passions, your superpowers to celebrate the unique individual that you are and weave in ways to live more congruently and intertwine the feelings and emotions that you want to happen, for you.

Intense stress or burnout recovery involves making a journey back to self.
To self-honour, self-love and self-trust.
It means calling ourselves inward to what we deeply need. Then gently and patiently taking baby steps back to a full life, a life embracing balance, a life of joy.
The 5 steps of the Harmonizing process
Not the right solution for you?.
The Harmonizing process is a big investment in you and You need to be committed to put in the effort.
If this does not feel like the right solution for you, maybe one of my other solutions might be a better fit
Benefits to You
Continual growth for us humans is unsustainable, periods of dormancy and restoration are pre-requistes for the next seasons growth.
Harmonizing equips you with tools to give yourself time to rest and re-energise. Guilt free and with inspired purposeful action.
If you are depleted from connecting with joy and the inability to be happy in all aspects of my life, work and relationships, this is for you.
If you are attempting to fit into systems and perspectives that were totally out of kilter, I will reignite your my own natural abilities to find balance and purpose.
5 steps to rediscover the life you were born to live.
Let’s Connect
To find out if we should work together, get in touch now and we can start by arranging your free 30 minute Discovery Call.